Monday, 23 July 2012

The Same

Hannah continues just the same, no big changes. She is stable & eating well. They still haven't done the ultrasound scan to look closer at the heartvalve problem, as the probe for infants is in for repair and will not be back for at least 14 days. They are going to try & get another probe from somewhere, but haven't heard anything yet. I'm not too concerned, or anxious about it as as I said in the last post I believe there is a reason for this delay & at the right time it will happen.

The latest tests of her dialysis fluid show no sign of bacteria, so they have stopped the Vancomyacin. Her white blood cell count continues to go up & down a little, so they are thinking of stopping the prophylactic antibiotics she is getting for 24hr to see if any infection shows up & then they can treat that more specifically. Please pray that if there is an infection that it will not take too much of a hold before they start treating it.

Friday night the drain in her left pleural cavity fell out. This was the one that fell out a week ago but had to be replaced again as fluid started to build up. So far this time it has been able to stay out with no more fluid building up. So hopefully we can now safely say she is one drain down, one to go. It could be a while til the other comes out as it is still draining a fair amount of fluid.

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