Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Forward & Backwards

We started off today in good humour. Hannah was now down to one drain. One of the drains fell out last night & unfortunately there was still too much fluid build up to leave it out. So they came this morning & inserted a new one, while doing this they decided that the other drain wasn't needed anymore & took it out.

She has also had her respirator tube changed today. After she lost all the excess fluid in her body the tube she did have became loose & started to leak air around it. This wasn't a big problem, but did make the machine not too happy (kept alarming) & meant it wasn't really working to full capacity. So they have now inserted a bigger tube. We of course keep hoping that soon she will be able to come off it.

In the evening however things started to go a bit of course. She became cranky & restless, started vomitting her feeds & her lactate levels rose. On investigation they found a small build- up of fluid round her left lung where they had removed one of the drains. At this stage though it is thought to not be too big of a problem so they are just keeping a close eye on it.

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