Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Thanks and Thoughts

Seems it's now my turn to write a philisophical post. Now my brain is definately not of the analytical/philisophical wiring like Tom's, but there are a few thoughts that have been on my mind lately & I feel prompted to share.

We praise God for the steady improvements we have seen in the last week as Hannah, with strength from God, has really been fighting and giving all of us inspiration to believe in the power of prayer and the ability for our God to sustain us in very trying times.

A few people have commented on how inspired they are with the strength Tom & I have shown in this situation. This is by no means any strength of our own. Without God giving us the strength we have needed we would have easily cracked under the pressure. It has by no means been easy & there have been a few times where we really have been holding on by the thinest of threads, but we hold fast in God's promise to always be with us, never leave us & his unfailing love for us, no matter what. When you're sitting in a waiting room while your daugther & drs fight for her life, & there's not a thing you can do, but cry out to God, & you pray the same thing over & over, & think "what more can I do".

Many of you have shared with us how God is speaking to you and your family through Hannah's fight and there is nothing that brings more joy to Tom and I than you having a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father because of His working in Hannah's situation. One of the nurses said to me that no adult & most babies would never have survived what Hannah has been through these past weeks, & although none of the drs have verbally said it outright, I think they too are a little surprised that she has survived.  You pray for Hannah and our family constantly and we feel God answering those prayers constantly.  We thank you for taking on this burden with us and ask you to please continue because we have a long way to go.  It is encouraging to us to see so many people from all around the world interceding for Hannah & our family.

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