Do we accept the circumstances that God places us in or do we continually seek an escape? In fact, do we do more than just accept our circumstances? Do we seek to see God's purpose in them, be open to the the lessons that He is teaching us, grow through them & come up the other side stronger?
I would rather be in God's pre-ordained valley than to be on the world’s mountain top. Mark 8:36 says, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and then lose his soul." Sure, it seems attractive to be living a life in which I didn't have a child with a heart defect, a life in which I didn't lose that child, but then that would not be the life that God purposed for me. I would not have learnt the lessons that I have. I would not have learnt to know God in a new & deeper way, nor learnt the things I did about Tom that have deepened & strengthened our relationship. Perhaps I would not have learnt to appreciate each day & the time I have. It has certainly put a whole new perspective on what is really important.
nice post thanks for sharing..found you thrue other blogs..looking for to visit more..blessings